How Osseous Surgery Works And Why You Shouldn’t Fear It

Dr. Alex Volchonok • March 20, 2020

On its own, the term “surgery” can be frightening enough. Combined with the term “osseous,” which means bony, it can feel even more frightening. But while osseous surgery may have a scary name, there’s no reason to fear it. In truth, osseous surgery is more akin to a deep teeth cleaning procedure than what most people think of when they hear the term “surgery.” This procedure is relatively pain free and it can help get gum disease under control, helping prevent the need for more involved surgical procedures. Take a look at osseous surgery to find out how it works and why you shouldn’t try to avoid it if you need it.

How Osseous Surgery Works

A deep cleaning, known as “scaling and root planing,” takes the standard teeth cleaning procedure even deeper to clean the roots of teeth. And osseous surgery takes deep cleaning even deeper. A standard cleaning becomes necessary when plaque hardened into tartar on the teeth. A deep cleaning is needed with that tartar dips below the gum line. And osseous surgery is needed when the bone supported the teeth starts decaying.

Here’s an overview of how osseous surgery is carried out:

  • The mouth is numbed with a shot of a local anesthetic
  • The gums are released to access the bone and tooth roots underneath
  • Tartar, decaying bone and other decay are removed
  • The roots of the teeth are smoothed to help eliminate or reduce bacterial pockets between the roots and gums
  • The gum and bone tissue are contoured, and the gums are stitched back into place

What Are The Benefits Of Osseous Surgery?

In cases where the disease has progressed beyond response to nonsurgical treatments, osseous surgery can help restore healthy gum and bone tissue. You may be recommended this treatment if you have minimal bone tissue left to support your teeth. Continued cleaning and periodontal care can prevent the bacterial infection from returning so you can enjoy continued oral health.

Osseous surgery offers many benefits to patients, including:

  • Stopping infection from spreading by eliminating harmful bacteria
  • Reducing the size of periodontal pockets
  • Improving the health and strength of bone and gum tissue
  • Creating a healthier environment to discourage bacterial growth
  • Osseous surgery can be critical in regaining control over a mouth ravaged by gum disease. You won’t experience much, if any, discomfort during your procedure. Once your mouth has healed, you should find it easier to brush, floss and maintain your oral health.

While osseous surgery shouldn’t be feared, it can be avoided by checking in with your dentist. How soon you seek help could be the difference between needing only a basic cleaning, a deep cleaning or osseous surgery.

Looking For An Alternative?

Because of the advances in dental technology, it’s easier than ever to treat periodontal disease and a host of other oral health issues! Specifically, LANAP®, also known as Laser Assisted New Attachment Procedure surgery, is much more advanced than traditional surgery, meaning that you enjoy better results that bring out the best in your smile!

Rather than using a scalpel, more advanced treatment for periodontal disease instead uses a laser, which doesn’t cut into healthy gums. Bleeding is minimized, which goes a long way in your overall recovery and healing. What’s more is the fact that you’ll experience minimal discomfort, and your procedure will go faster with the use of a laser. Additional benefits of laser treatment instead of a standard scalpel include:

  • No scalpels or sutures
  • Minimal bleeding and pain
  • Multiple teeth can be treated at once
  • Faster healing/recovery time and minimal downtime
  • Promotes healthy bone and gum regrowth
  • Can be used with dental implants in place

Choosing A Dental Expert For LANAP

If you are interested in receiving this minimally invasive procedure that works to improve the overall health of your teeth and gums, choosing the right dental professional is key. Be sure to choose a certified LANAP expert who understands the importance of maintaining the health of your teeth and gums, and preserving any tissue that is uninfected. If you have dental implants, this is especially important. You should consider choosing one that thoroughly cleans any plaque buildup after the LANAP procedure, and reshapes the surrounding area to allow healthy gum tissue reattachment and regrowth to the tooth or dental implant. With this option, there is no need to keep experiencing gum disease symptoms any longer!

Treatment For Gum Disease In Greenwich, CT

Make a lasting impact on your fight against gum disease and consider a getting periodontal treatment as soon as possible! From scaling and root planning, to osseous surgery, to laser gum disease treatment (LANAP), the options you have are boundless!

But why settle for any dentist when you could have a professional? Dr. Alexander Volchonok, a dual ivy-league board-certified periodontist with substantial amounts of training in minimally invasive surgeries using laser technology. Who could be a more perfect fit? With tons of patients served with happy results, Dr. Volchonok is your best bet for an effective, safe, and healthy treatment of your gum disease.

If you are wanting to discuss more about osseous surgery or LANAP and see if it is the best treatment for you, consider setting up a consultation to meet Dr. Volchonok. Call (347) 706-1558 for our office in Manhattan, NY or (203) 816-6696 for our office in Greenwich, CT. Let us give you the best possible treatment and help you on your journey to better gum health!

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